onsdag 21 augusti 2024

Fever dream exhibition 23:rd of August

 Getting ready for a fever dream…..This will be the center of attention at my exhibition next week. I’ll be having my fever dream exhibition at this years Malmö Massacre, Friday is the day to see and experience the madness. 

See you there!

#kaoskonst #weldart #weldedart #welldead #welldeadart #weldeddemons #myart #chaosart #scrapmetalart #recycleart #metalart #metalartist #skrotatkasam #malmomassacre #feverdream

Soon exhibiting at Malmö Massacre festival

 To much to handle, Friday will be the day for the creatures to take space in the smaller room at the Malmö Massacre. A conceptual fever dream exhibition, new sounds / noises and the manic demons of my creations….

Fever dreams 


#metalart #recycleart #scrapmetalart #weldart #weldeddemons #chaosart #kaoskonst #welded #welldead #feverdreams #feverdreamcreations #feverdreams #exhibition #malmomassacre #skrotatkasam #myart #upcycleart #upcycleartist