måndag 18 maj 2020

16/5 2020 ställde jag ut på Plan B

Tack till Plan B, Brewkowski och alla som kom och kollade på mina grejer.

Mer grejer är på G.

tisdag 12 maj 2020

Exhibition 16/5 Plan B Malmö.

På lördag så får ni gärna komma förbi Plan B, kolla lite konst/stuff och dricka Brewkowski öl.

”Art and beer - what can possibly go wrong!?

We are bringing 2 of our favourite collabs together for one massive collaboration this Saturday! Ever since we opened the warehouse bar people kept asking us about the sculptures decorating the beer taps! Finally you'll get the opportunity to meet the creator behind the art and see more of his work! Not that long ago Brewkowski added a new brew to the family and its about time we celebrate! Enjoy some interesting sculptures while sipping on a Stig Lagerman! ”

#myart #junkart #scrapart #upcycle #upcycleart #skrotatkasam #weldeddemons #welded #weldart


Norra Grängesbergsgatan 26
21450 Malmö